This is Quien Soy - Susana Acosta

I have never killed or stolen,
But my worst crime was seeking freedom 
Wanted to fly without falling 

Por buscar mi seguridad 
I became “illegal”, “alien”, “beaner” (dot, dot, dot )

Salvadoreña eso soy 
But words cut deeper than the sword 

Mi acento es quien soy 
It is not me, you just have to understand that my first word was mamá,
yes with an accent 

Latina es quien soy
I don’t have perfect pronunciation, but believe me, I can spell the words 

Pero solo soy quien soy 
A girl who learned that her pulgarcito would have to let her go 

Pero salvadoreña eso soy 
Yes, another one that crossed 

Esa soy yo 
Another one who gave up her heart 

Sigo siendo yo 
Became this person just to fit 

Would I go back?
Would the Torogoz get to lay in his nest again?

Or would the Maquilishuat root somewhere?
O solo voy a olvidar y perderme en la historia como el Colón?

Blues and memories of a broken-heart 
Con esperanza de que mi pulgarcito reciba 
La Luz y el calor que un día perdió 

Salvadoreña eso soy


Kyara Artola


Fatima Salcedo