Not Your Average Student - Leonardo Pablo
I am not your average student
One look at me and you wouldn’t guess that I’m impudent
My academics and personality don’t really coincide
This is where my life has a great divide
Having straight A’s gave me a reputation
On the other side, my personality created an altercation,
I guess you can say I’m a walking contradiction
Straight A student with a bad demeanor is nowhere near fiction
It is about time we stop this problem
And stop so many people from being so glum
It is your prejudice that makes us act as you expect
Not knowing that it can have a major effect
It causes us to have a predetermined future
Forcing us to go down a pipeline of a so-called gangster
However, as a representative from both groups
It is about time I tell all the truths
Having straight As gave me many opportunities,
But losing all that made me lose many victories
I realized that it wasn’t me, myself, that made my goals high as a balloon,
It was all the resources given to my grades on a silver spoon
I say my grades because it’s not really me,
For school makes you think that academics are the only key
But no they’re wrong, there is more to that
It’s building connections where it feels like you’ve hit a home run with a bat
The schools have been wrong,
But thank god I’m now gone
And for those still in school
I want you to know that I never followed a single rule
Yet I still graduated
But at the expense of my resources becoming so desolated
Don’t accommodate to the norms of school if it isn’t you
Especially if it results in you becoming more blue
So to school, I say
I don’t need you to believe me
I know how to carve out my own destiny
So it’s about time I rewrote this history